martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

Edie Sedgwick: And what would I have to do in one of your movies?
Andy Warhol: Just be yourself.
Edie Sedgwick: Well, Which one?

(factory girl)

femme fatale, indiferente, celosa, soberbia, nenita, actriz porno, ingenua, artista, mujer, rencorosa, interesante, buena, posesiva, celosa, calculadora, fría, experta, interesante, única, amante, hueca, inteligente, miedosa,novia, valiente, mala, enferma,obsesiva, intensa, feliz, preocupada, infiel, princesa, seductora, puta, romántica, sencilla, cínica, madura, triste, histérica, fina, ruidosa, tranquila, bailarina, insegura,racista, religiosa, superficial, bohemia, rota, perfecta,atea, realista, tonta, afortunada, bastarda, actriz, reflexiva, insegura, divina, borderline, adictiva...

I´ll show you what you want to see. And you´ll buy it.
´Cause I am a fucking good actress.
´Cause you don´t know me at all.
´Cause you don´t want to.

But if you want to see the real me, you have to earn it honey.
And let me tell you, that you´ll be really surprised.

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